Saturday, August 28, 2021

JPJ stand on custom exhaust pipes


This is the official reply from JPJ, the Malaysian Road Authority about my query for a custom exhaust pipe since I (and a couple of friends who also own the same exhaust pipe) found the stock version to be of budget quality and prone to serious rust. I was contemplating having a custom stainless steel exhaust pipe of the same dimension as the stock (though not an exact design copy) but it appears the Selangor State Department which replied my query preferred to stick to the legal interpretation as under their Road Transport Act which clearly states custom exhaust pipes are deemed illegal.

However, they said if for reasons I had difficulty acquiring it or for other reasons, I should get the final decision on a custom exhaust pipe of my own specification from their Automotive Division at their Headquarters which does imply all their policy is not "set in stone" and there is still room for negotiation.